Friday, May 31, 2013

What is an Estate Plan? | Kam Law Firm

San Diego Trust

An estate plan is a collection of documents that provide instructions regarding your care if you are ever incapacitated and the distribution of your assets upon death. An estate plan allows you to provide for your surviving spouse, children, and aging parents; it allows you to choose one or multiple individuals you trust to make your healthcare and financial decisions and; it can be used to reduce estate taxes.

A thorough estate plan includes a trust, will, health care power of attorney, and financial power of attorney. Both a will and trust can communicate how you would like your estate to be distributed. However, there are several distinctions.


A will allows you to decide who gets your assets, who you want to raise your minor children, and to specify funeral arrangements. However, a will must go through probate, the legal process for transferring assets to those designated as beneficiaries in your will. Unfortunately, the severe court budget cuts have made the San Diego probate process quite lengthy, with only two judges currently managing 15,000 active cases each. This means your family members may have to wait anywhere from six months to two years to receive their inheritance.


A trust is a legal contract for holding or transferring property. The assets in a Revocable Living Trust are held in the name of the trust but the creator?s social security number is used for filing taxes and the creator can terminate the trust at any time. Once transferred to the name of the trust, the assets are managed and distributed by a Trustee. The trustee of a Revocable Living Trust is typically the creator of the trust, also known as the grantor. ?If the grantor is incapacitated or passes away, the successor trustee (or co-trustees) take over management of the assets. If the incapacity is temporary, as soon as you, the grantor have capacity, you can be reinstated as sole trustee. During your meeting with a San Diego estate planning attorney, the attorney will help you understand the responsibilities involved with managing your trust so that you can appoint someone qualified and trustworthy to act as your successor trustee.

At death, the assets are managed and distributed by the successor Trustee according to the trust terms set out by you. Within your trust, your San Diego trust attorney can also create subtrusts for your beneficiaries, however the subtrusts do not come into existence until you have passed away. In many cases, subtrusts are preferable to outright distributions because outright distributions are subject to your beneficiaries? creditors. Subtrusts can be particularly valuable when beneficiaries inherit at a young age. Young beneficiaries may lack the ability to spend their assets responsibly. With subtrusts, you have the ability to appoint anyone you want to act as Trustee to manage these assets, including allowing the beneficiaries to become Trustee or co-Trustee of their own trust at a designated age. One of the great values of these subtrusts is that you can be very specific as to how you want the money to be spent and when it can be distributed, for example the trust may pay for college, a first house, or it may give lump sum distributions at specified ages. Essentially, the trust can give distributions according to your wishes, within reason.

Contact our office today to schedule a free consultation with a San Diego trust attorney and learn more about how your estate plan can be customized to protect your family.


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Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Facebook wages censorship war against moms of autistic children who protest GMOs: Exclusive interview with Andrea Lalama

Exclusive interview with Andrea Lalama

Mike Adams
Natural News
May 28, 2013

When Facebook suspended the account of a mom of two autistic children who held anti-GMO signs at the recent rally, it became national news.?Drudge Report linked to our?Natural News story which documented Facebook censoring multiple accounts for sharing a photo Facebook absurdly called ?abusive.?

That photo, it turns out, was nothing more than a picture of two children holding up hand-made signs at the March Against Monsanto. One of the signs read, ?Biopesticides = Autism, Say No to GMO? and the other sign read, ?Organic Food It?s My Medicine, Label GMOs? (see videos, below).

This defiance against GMOs was apparently too much for Facebook to tolerate, so it took immediate action to censor the account of the mom, Andrea Lalama.

In an exclusive interview, I spoke with Andrea by phone, where she provided more background about her autistic sons, her research into the causes of autism (vaccines and GMOs), and how Facebook?s outrageous act of censorship has actually multiplied global awareness of the corporate conspiracy against moms who seek the truth about autism, vaccines and GMOs.

Here are the first two parts of the interview:

Thanks to?Ginger Taylor for the above graphic. She also adds, ?Just what is the relationship between Monsanto and Facebook? When mom?s like Joni Abbott Cox are having their facebook accounts censored and restricted because they posted pictures of their children at the Millions Against Monsanto March, you have to start asking question. Is Monsanto paying?Facebook? Is Monsanto threatening Facebook with legal action? Why is this happening??

This article was posted: Tuesday, May 28, 2013 at 5:00 am

Tags: food, gmo, internet, legislation, mainstream media, natural health


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Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Just The Judge prevails in Irish 1,000 Guineas ? Horseracing News ...

Just The Judge prevails in Irish 1,000 Guineas ? Horseracing News

Just The Judge proved her class in the Etihad Airways Irish 1,000 Guineas (Group 1) at Curragh in Ireland by winning the race comfortably. The victory helped her owners bag a cash prize of ?141,463.41 in the end.

The three-year-old filly was expected to be dominant, thus she was given the best odds for victory. When the traps were opened, she did not attack her opponents and opted to save stamina for the later stages. This strategy worked out perfectly for her, as she managed to lead the final 150 yards with ease.

On the performance of Just The Judge, trainer Charles Hills stated, ?She's a diamond filly. She's a great filly to deal with, so easy and very professional. Jamie (jockey) has given her a peach [of a ride]. He rode her just like he said in the paddock to the stride. The Coronation Stakes should really suit her.?

Jamie Spencer was also happy with the ride and said, ?She's a smart filly. I got a good position and at halfway I was very happy and it all went really well. She's a filly we always thought would want further and she'll be even better when she goes further.?

This was the second outing for the Irish filly this year and she pleased her fans by getting back on top once again. In her previous race, she was unable to finish on top of the table and had to settle for the runner up spot.

Prior to that, Just The Judge had appeared in three events during 2012 and managed to win all of them. She has now increased her overall tally of victories to four and will be looking to deliver strong results in the future competitions.

Other than the victorious filly, Rehn's Nest also made a solid impression in the Irish 1,000 Guineas despite the fact that she was amongst the least favourites to succeed. Her runner up place would have pleased the owners, as they bagged a cash prize of ?46,341.46.

Although Rehn's Nest does not have a very good record, she seems to be headed towards the right direction now and might start winning some important events in the future.


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Friday, May 24, 2013

Microsoft confirms indie developers can?t self-publish games on Xbox One

By Barbara Liston ORLANDO, Florida (Reuters) - An 18-foot, 8-inch Burmese python set a record for the longest snake ever captured in South Florida, where the exotic species has taken up residence. College student Jason Leon snared the female python in a rural area southeast of Miami earlier this month, when he saw part of it sticking out from brush along the roadside, said Carli Segelson, a spokeswoman for the state's Fish and Wildlife Commission. ...


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Wednesday, May 22, 2013

NASA's IRIS mission readies for a new challenge

May 21, 2013 ? NASA is getting ready to launch a new mission, a mission to observe a largely unexplored region of the solar atmosphere that powers its dynamic million-degree outer atmosphere and drives the solar wind.

In late June 2013, the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph, or IRIS, will launch from Vandenberg Air Force Base, Calif. IRIS will advance our understanding of the interface region, a region in the lower atmosphere of the sun where most of the sun's ultraviolet emissions are generated. Such emissions impact the near-Earth space environment and Earth's climate.

The interface region lies between the sun's 11,000-degree Fahrenheit, white-hot, visible surface, the photosphere, and the much hotter multi-million-degree upper corona. Interactions between the violently moving plasma and the sun's magnetic field in this area may be the source of the energy that heats the corona to some hundreds and occasionally thousands of times hotter than the sun's surface.

IRIS will orbit Earth and use its ultraviolet telescope to obtain high-resolution solar images and spectra. IRIS observations along with advanced computer models will deepen our understanding of how heat and energy move through the lower atmosphere of the sun and other sun-like stars.

For more information about NASA's IRIS mission, please visit:

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Fernando Henrique Cardoso: Time to Explore How to Regulate Drugs

Co-signed by the following members of the Global Commission on Drug Policy:
George P. Shultz, former Secretary of State, United States, honorary chair
Paul Volcker, former Chairman of the United States Federal Reserve and of the Economic Recovery Board
Louise Arbour, former UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, President of the International Crisis Group


After more than four decades of a failed war on drugs, calls for a change in strategy are growing louder by the day. In Latin America, the debate is positively deafening. Statesmen from Colombia, Guatemala, Mexico and Uruguay are taking the lead for transformations in their own drug regime, which has set a strong dynamic of change across the region and around the world. Their discussion has expanded to the United States, where public opinion toward regulation is also changing.

For the first time, the majority of Americans support regulated cannabis for adult consumption. Nowhere has this support been more evident than in Colorado and Washington, states that recently approved new bills to this effect. This shift in public opinion presents a direct challenge to the U.S. federal law, but also to the United Nations Drug Conventions and the international drug policy regime.

The Global Commission on Drug Policy, building on the call for a paradigm shift formulated by the Latin American Commission on Drugs and Democracy, has called loudly for precisely these kinds of changes since 2011. Twenty global leaders have highlighted the devastating consequences of repressive drug policies on people, governance and economies not just in Latin America, but around the world.

Our flagship report -- War on Drugs -- sets out two main recommendations: (i) replace the criminalization of drug use with a public health approach, and (ii) experiment with models of legal regulation designed to undermine the power of organized crime. By brokering a genuinely global conversation on drug policy reform, we broke a century-old taboo.

A new unexpected voice was added to the debate on drug policy reform. The Secretary General of the Organization of American States (OAS) Jos? Miguel Insulza presented Colombian President Santos with the findings of a much anticipated report on alternative scenarios for drug control and regulation for the Americas. The study itself was originally the idea of President Santos and endorsed by all heads of American States at the 2012 Summit of the Americas in Cartagena.

The OAS-backed study proposes four possible scenarios for future drug policy reflecting an emerging consensus across Latin America. Fortunately, none of the scenarios call for the status quo. Most experts endorse the first three scenarios -- the shift from repressive approaches to ones that privilege citizen security, the experimentation with different approaches to regulating illegal drugs, and the strengthening of community resilience. Obviously, all serious leaders agree that the fourth scenario, the threat of creating narco-states, is to be avoided at all costs. Taken together, the report represents the first comprehensive treatment of drug policy reform from a multilateral organization.

The OAS study sets out complementary, rather than mutually excluding paths. They are based on the realistic expectation that demand for psychoactive substances will continue to exist over the coming decade and that only a small proportion of users will become dependent. In fact, many states are already decriminalizing drug use and experimenting with cannabis regulation, while also investing in harm reduction programs including the medical supply of harder drugs. Rather than causing problems as predicted by their critics, they are generating positive and measurable results.

The OAS and countries across Latin America are positively contributing to the breaking of the taboo that blocked for so long the debate on more humane and efficient drug policy. It is time that governments around the world are allowed to responsibly experiment with regulation models that are tailored to their realities and local needs. The leadership demonstrated by President Santos and the OAS Secretary General is welcomed. But the report is just the start -- leaders across the Americas need to take this study seriously and consider how their own policies can be improved. In doing so, they will be breaking the vicious cycle of violence, corruption, and over-crowded prisons and will put people's health and security first.


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Monday, May 20, 2013

Extreme Rules Live Chat, presented by Mattel, with WWE Hall of Famer Howard Finkel

All WWE programming, talent names, images, likenesses, slogans, wrestling moves, trademarks, logos and copyrights are the exclusive property of WWE, Inc. and its subsidiaries. All other trademarks, logos and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. ? 2013 WWE, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This website is based in the United States. By submitting personal information to this website you consent to your information being maintained in the U.S., subject to applicable U.S. laws. U.S. law may be different than the law of your home country. WrestleMania XXIX (NY/NJ) logo TM & ? 2013 WWE. All Rights Reserved. The Empire State Building design is a registered trademark and used with permission by ESBC.


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Saturday, May 18, 2013

IRS asked anti-abortion group about prayers

While applying with the Internal Revenue Service for tax-exempt status in 2009, an Iowa-based anti-abortion group was asked to provide information about its members' prayer meetings, documents sent by an IRS official to the organization reveal.

On June 22, 2009, the Coalition for Life of Iowa received a letter from the IRS office in Cincinnati, Ohio, that oversees tax exemptions requesting details about how often members pray and whether their prayers are "considered educational."

"Please explain how all of your activities, including the prayer meetings held outside of Planned Parenthood, are considered educational as defined under 501(c)(3)," reads the letter, made public by the Thomas More Society, a public interest law firm that collected evidence about the IRS practices. "Organizations exempt under 501(c)(3) may present opinions with scientific or medical facts. Please explain in detail the activities at these prayer meetings. Also, please provide the percentage of time your organizations spends on prayer groups as compared with the other activities of the organization."

The IRS is currently under fire for allegedly targeting conservative groups that applied for nonprofit status in recent years. In response, two IRS officials have stepped down, including Acting Commissioner Steven Miller.

That portion of the questionnaire, in which the IRS also asked about signs the group intended to carry at rallies at Planned Parenthood offices, is below:

Screenshot from IRS letter sent to Coalition for Life of Iowa in 2012.

In response, the group's attorneys at Mosher & Associates, a firm based in Chicago, responded:


During a Ways and Means Committee hearing Friday on Capitol Hill, Illinois Republican Rep. Aaron Schock asked Miller specifically about the Campaign for Life of Iowa letter from 2009.

?Would that be an inappropriate question to a 501(c)3 applicant?? Schock asked. ?The content of one?s prayers??

?It pains me to say I can?t speak to that one either,? Miller said. He had said earlier that he would not be able to discuss individual cases during the hearing.

"You don't know whether or not that would be an appropriate question to ask?" Schock replied.

"Speaking outside of this case, which I don't know anything about, it would surprise me that that question was asked," Miller said.


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Friday, May 17, 2013

New study recommends using active videogaming ('exergaming') to improve children's health

New study recommends using active videogaming ('exergaming') to improve children's health [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 17-May-2013
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Contact: Becky Lindeman
Elsevier Health Sciences

Cincinnati, OH, May 17, 2013 -- Levels of physical inactivity and obesity are very high in children, with fewer than 50% of primary school-aged boys and fewer than 28% of girls meeting the minimum levels of physical activity required to maintain health. Exergaming, using active console video games that track player movement to control the game (e.g., Xbox-Kinect, Wii), has become popular, and may provide an alternative form of exercise to counteract sedentary behaviors. In a study scheduled for publication in The Journal of Pediatrics, researchers studied the effects of exergaming on children.

Dr. Louise Naylor and researchers from The University of Western Australia, Liverpool John Moores University, and Swansea University evaluated 15 children, 9-11 years of age, who participated in 15 minutes each of high intensity exergaming (Kinect Sports 200m Hurdles), low intensity exergaming (Kinect Sports Ten Pin Bowling), and a graded exercise test (treadmill). The researchers measured energy expenditure. They also measured the vascular response to each activity using flow-mediated dilation (FMD), which is a validated measure of vascular function and health in children.

They found that high intensity exergaming elicited an energy expenditure equivalent to moderate intensity exercise; low intensity exergaming resulted in an energy expenditure equivalent to low intensity exercise. Additionally, although the low intensity exergaming did not have an impact on FMD, high intensity exergaming significantly decreased FMD, suggesting that the latter may improve vascular health in children. High intensity exergaming also increased heart rate and the amount of energy burned. Participants reported similar enjoyment levels with both intensities of exergaming, which indicates that children may be equally likely to continue playing the high intensity games.

According to Dr. Naylor, "Higher intensity exergaming may be a good form of activity for children to use to gain long-term and sustained health benefits." These findings also support the growing notion that high intensity activity is beneficial for children's health, and high intensity exergaming should be considered a means of encouraging children to become more active.


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New study recommends using active videogaming ('exergaming') to improve children's health [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 17-May-2013
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Contact: Becky Lindeman
Elsevier Health Sciences

Cincinnati, OH, May 17, 2013 -- Levels of physical inactivity and obesity are very high in children, with fewer than 50% of primary school-aged boys and fewer than 28% of girls meeting the minimum levels of physical activity required to maintain health. Exergaming, using active console video games that track player movement to control the game (e.g., Xbox-Kinect, Wii), has become popular, and may provide an alternative form of exercise to counteract sedentary behaviors. In a study scheduled for publication in The Journal of Pediatrics, researchers studied the effects of exergaming on children.

Dr. Louise Naylor and researchers from The University of Western Australia, Liverpool John Moores University, and Swansea University evaluated 15 children, 9-11 years of age, who participated in 15 minutes each of high intensity exergaming (Kinect Sports 200m Hurdles), low intensity exergaming (Kinect Sports Ten Pin Bowling), and a graded exercise test (treadmill). The researchers measured energy expenditure. They also measured the vascular response to each activity using flow-mediated dilation (FMD), which is a validated measure of vascular function and health in children.

They found that high intensity exergaming elicited an energy expenditure equivalent to moderate intensity exercise; low intensity exergaming resulted in an energy expenditure equivalent to low intensity exercise. Additionally, although the low intensity exergaming did not have an impact on FMD, high intensity exergaming significantly decreased FMD, suggesting that the latter may improve vascular health in children. High intensity exergaming also increased heart rate and the amount of energy burned. Participants reported similar enjoyment levels with both intensities of exergaming, which indicates that children may be equally likely to continue playing the high intensity games.

According to Dr. Naylor, "Higher intensity exergaming may be a good form of activity for children to use to gain long-term and sustained health benefits." These findings also support the growing notion that high intensity activity is beneficial for children's health, and high intensity exergaming should be considered a means of encouraging children to become more active.


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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.


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Thursday, May 16, 2013

Open Garden Gets Google Glass To Connect To Its Mesh Network, Asks Google To Make It Available To All

Open Garden - Android Apps on Google PlayOpen Garden, the San Francisco-based startup that allows Android, Windows and Mac users to create mesh networks between their devices to share Internet connections, today announced that it has managed to get Google Glass to connect to its network. This matters because Glass users typically need a tethering plan to connect to the Internet (which is pretty much essential to using Glass). Those plans typically cost around $20 extra, depending on the data plan and carrier. With Open Garden, users can just use the service to connect to their phone without paying extra.


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Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Making gold green: New non-toxic method for mining gold

May 14, 2013 ? Northwestern University scientists have struck gold in the laboratory. They have discovered an inexpensive and environmentally benign method that uses simple cornstarch -- instead of cyanide -- to isolate gold from raw materials in a selective manner.

This green method extracts gold from crude sources and leaves behind other metals that are often found mixed together with the crude gold. The new process also can be used to extract gold from consumer electronic waste.

Current methods for gold recovery involve the use of highly poisonous cyanides, often leading to contamination of the environment. Nearly all gold-mining companies use this toxic gold leaching process to sequester the precious metal.

"The elimination of cyanide from the gold industry is of the utmost importance environmentally," said Sir Fraser Stoddart, the Board of Trustees Professor of Chemistry in the Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences. "We have replaced nasty reagents with a cheap, biologically friendly material derived from starch."

Sir Fraser's team discovered the process by accident, using simple test tube chemistry. A series of rigorous follow-up investigations provided evidence for the competitive strength of the new procedure.

The findings will be published May 14 in the online journal Nature Communications.

Zhichang Liu, a postdoctoral fellow in Stoddart's lab and first author of the paper, took two test tubes containing aqueous solutions -- one of the starch-derived alpha-cyclodextrin, the other of a dissolved gold (Au) salt (called aurate) -- and mixed them together in a beaker at room temperature.

Liu was trying to make an extended, three-dimensional cubic structure, which could be used to store gases and small molecules. Unexpectedly, he obtained needles, which formed rapidly upon mixing the two solutions.

"Initially, I was disappointed when my experiment didn't produce cubes, but when I saw the needles, I got excited," Liu said. "I wanted to learn more about the composition of these needles."

"Nature decided otherwise," said Stoddart, a senior author of the paper. "The needles, composed of straw-like bundles of supramolecular wires, emerged from the mixed solutions in less than a minute."

After discovering the needles, Liu screened six different complexes -- cyclodextrins composed of rings of six (alpha), seven (beta) and eight (gamma) glucose units, each combined with aqueous solutions of potassium tetrabromoaurate (KAuBr4) or potassium tetrachloroaurate (KAuCl4).

He found that it was alpha-cyclodextrin, a cyclic starch fragment composed of six glucose units, that isolates gold best of all.

"Alpha-cyclodextrin is the gold medal winner," Stoddart said. "Zhichang stumbled on a piece of magic for isolating gold from anything in a green way."

Alkali metal salt waste from this new method is relatively environmentally benign, Stoddart said, while waste from conventional methods includes toxic cyanide salts and gases. The Northwestern procedure is also more efficient than current commercial processes.

The supramolecular nanowires, each 1.3 nanometers in diameter, assemble spontaneously in a straw-like manner. In each wire, the gold ion is held together in the middle of four bromine atoms, while the potassium ion is surrounded by six water molecules; these ions are sandwiched in an alternating fashion by alpha-cyclodextrin rings. Around 4,000 wires are bundled parallel to each other and form individual needles that are visible under an electron microscope.

"There is a lot of chemistry packed into these nanowires," Stoddart said. "The elegance of the composition of single nanowires was revealed by atomic force microscopy, which throws light on the stacking of the individual donut-shaped alpha-cyclodextrin rings."

The atomic detail of the single supramolecular wires and their relative disposition within the needles was uncovered by single crystal X-ray crystallography.

The research -- a prime example of serendipity at work, brought to fruition by contemporary fundamental science -- is poised to find technological application. This basic science has been forged by the team into a practical labscale process for the isolation of gold from scrap alloys.


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Tuesday, May 14, 2013

'Brave' princess makeover sparks controversy


14 hours ago

New Merida alongside original Merida, from "Brave." Photo from blog.

A Mighty Girl

New Merida alongside original Merida, from "Brave." Photo from blog.

Brenda Chapman, director of "Brave" prior to being replaced during production, doesn't like how Disney has redesigned the film's main character Merida to better fit its line of princesses.

"I think it's atrocious what they have done to Merida," she wrote to her local newspaper, the Marin Independent Journal. "When little girls say they like it because it's more sparkly, that's all fine and good but, subconsciously, they are soaking in the sexy 'come hither' look and the skinny aspect of the new version. It's horrible!"


"Merida was created to break that mold -- to give young girls a better, stronger role model, a more attainable role model, something of substance, not just a pretty face that waits around for romance," Chapman explained.

The new look of Merida has been criticized since being announced as being the 11th princess to join Disney's character line. The character, seen here, eliminates the bow and arrow wielded Merida in the film and makes alterations to the dress. One Jezebel writer noted that the heroine was given a "pretty pretty princess makeover."

A letter addressed to Disney's chairman and CEO Robert A. Iger, stated: "The redesign of Merida in advance of her official induction to the Disney Princess collection does a tremendous disservice to the millions of children for whom Merida is an empowering role model who speaks to girls' capacity to be change agents in the world rather than just trophies to be admired."

STORY: Pixar's braintrust on the making of "Brave" and the studio's first princess

The petition attached to the letter has been signed by more than 100,000 individuals.

Disney responded to the criticism in a statement to Yahoo! Shine: "Merida exemplifies what it means to be a Disney Princess through being brave, passionate, and confident and she remains the same strong and determined Merida from the movie whose inner qualities have inspired moms and daughters around the world."

Chapman, who ended up sharing the 2013 Oscar for Best Animated Feature onstage for the film, was replaced by Mark Andrews as director of "Brave" midway through production of the film.


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Friday, May 3, 2013

Catamaran revenue miss, contract concerns weigh on shares

(Reuters) - Pharmacy benefit manager Catamaran Corp's first-quarter revenue miss and concerns about the renewal of a major contract sent its shares down as much as 11 percent.

Investors were looking for clarity on Catamaran's contract with Medicare provider HealthSpring, which was acquired by U.S. health insurer Cigna Corp .

The contract, which brought in about a third of Catamaran's 2012 revenue of $9.94 billion, is up for renewal this year.

In a call with analysts, Chief Executive Mark Thierer said the company had "good business relationship" with Cigna but did not provide any details on the renewal of the contract.

"The markets were a little disappointed that there was no resolution around Cigna," said Paradigm Capital analyst Gabriel Leung.

Pharmacy benefit managers such as Catamaran Express Scripts Holding Co and CVS Caremark Corp administer health plans and drug benefits for employers and run mail-order pharmacies.

The company's first-quarter revenue jumped 88 percent to $3.22 billion but still missed analysts' expectations due to lower-than-expected sales volumes and the exit of some of its health plan customers.

Analysts on average had estimated revenue of $3.51 billion.

"This is a high-multiple stock and sometimes small misses can have a material effect on the stock. We think its way overdone," said analyst Tom Liston of Cantor Fitzgerald.

Shares of the company trade at a multiple of 30.7 to its forward earnings, well above rival Express's multiple of 13.9, according to Thomson Reuters StarMine data.

Catamaran shares were trading down 5 percent at C$53.77 on Thursday on the Toronto Stock Exchange. Its Nasdaq-listed shares fell more than 6 percent.

Catamaran's net income in the quarter rose 95 percent to $51.4 million, or 25 cents per share.

On an adjusted basis, it earned 42 cents per share, topping analysts' average estimate of 40 cents per share.

The company maintained its full-year adjusted profit forecast of $1.81-$1.88 per share. It still expects revenue of $14.2 billion to $14.6 billion for the year.

(Reporting by Krithika Krishnamurthy in Bangalore; Editing by Joyjeet Das and Saumyadeb Chakrabarty)


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Thursday, May 2, 2013

Bizarre bone worms emit acid to feast on whale skeletons: Bone-melting substance drills opening for worms to access nutrients

Apr. 30, 2013 ? Only within the past 12 years have marine biologists come to learn about the eye-opening characteristics of mystifying sea worms that live and thrive on the bones of whale carcasses.

With each new study, scientists have developed a better grasp on the biology of Osedax, a genus of mouthless and gutless "bone worms" that make a living on skeletons lying on the seafloor. In the latest finding, scientists at Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego describe how the wispy worms are able to carry out their bone-drilling activities. As published in the May 1 online edition of the Proceedings of the Royal Society B (Biological Sciences), Mart?n Tresguerres, Sigrid Katz, and Greg Rouse of Scripps detail how Osedax excrete a bone-melting acid to gain entry to the nutrients within whale bones.

"The acid presumably allows the worms to release and absorb collagen and lipids that are trapped in bone," said Tresguerres. "This model is remarkably similar to how mammals repair and remodel bone, however Osedax secrete acid to dissolve foreign bone and access nutrients."

In their report, the scientists describe a process in which the worms use a "proton pump" to secrete acid onto the bone. Tresguerres says similar acid-secreting enzymes exist in all other organisms, such as in human kidneys to handle blood and urine functions.

Because they lack mouths, bone worms must use an alternative method of consuming nutrients from whale bones. Bacteria that live symbiotically within the worms are involved in this process, however, the exact mechanism is not yet fully understood. Some evidence suggests that the symbiotic bacteria metabolize bone-derived collagen into other diverse organic compounds, and that the worms subsequently digest the bacteria for their own nutrition.

"The Osedax symbiosis shows that nutrition is even more diverse than we imagined and our results are one step closer in untangling the special relationship between the worm and its bacteria," said Katz, a Scripps postdoctoral researcher.

A 2011 study led by Rouse found that bone worms have primarily been found attached to whale skeletons, but they are capable of making a living on other bones as well, including fish. That finding supported a hypothesis that Osedax's bone-eating lifestyle may have evolved millions of years ago, even before the dawn of marine mammals.

To continue learning more about bone worms, the scientists plan to collaborate with colleagues at the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute in the coming months to collect and study additional bone samples with live worm specimens. They also plan to maintain live Osedax in aquaria at Scripps to study their physiology.

"Determining how Osedax gets into bones was the first challenge in understanding the nutrition of these bizarre animals," said Rouse. "Now we'd like to understand how they transport and utilize the nutrients that they have uncovered."

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Journal Reference:

  1. Martin Tresguerres, Sigrid Katz, and Greg W. Rouse. How to get into bones: proton pump and carbonic anhydrase in Osedax boneworms. Proc. R. Soc. B., 2013 DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2013.0625

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Wednesday, May 1, 2013

'Teen Mom' Farrah 'happy' with sex tape payday


1 hour ago

"Teen Mom" star Farrah Abraham

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"Teen Mom" star Farrah Abraham said she was paid over $1 million for her sex tape.

It may have garnered her a lot of backlash from fans (and even Dr. Phil!), but "Teen Mom" star Farrah Abraham's entrance into the adult-film industry also scored her a big paycheck. In a statement to the press on Tuesday, the MTV reality personality revealed that she earned more than $1 million for her work in her upcoming movie, which was recently purchased by Vivid Entertainment.

"I am happy with the seven-figure settlement I have reached, with who I feel to be the best adult entertainment company in the industry, Vivid," Abraham said. "This is a risk for me to take, however I feel comfortable having given the rights to Vivid, a company I know can handle the media and press surrounding my sexuality."

In the statement, Abraham also discussed her plans for the future, but did not reveal if they include more adult movies.

Related: 'Teen Mom' Farrah Abraham sells sex tape

"I am very pleased with the outcome and to have this opportunity to be an entrepreneur in another unexpected light in my life," she said. "I look forward to my future goals of completing my Masters degree, focusing on being a great mother for my daughter as well as many other culinary business endeavors in my future."

Abraham decided to sell the sex tape, which she told was meant to be her "own personal video," after its existence was revealed to the media.

"Having lost the ability to keep it a secret, Farrah decided to sell the tape to Vivid after reviewing several offers," the adult film company said in a press release on Monday.

The reality TV star/author/model/chef doesn't appear to be fazed by the negative comments that her latest business venture has garnered her. Instead, she is embracing those who support her decision to make a sex tape, even retweeting a few fans who said they planned to buy the movie when it's released next month. Abraham also aimed a tweet to those who had negative things to say about her latest venture.


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