Monday, October 8, 2012

My speaking schedule: The Urban Scientist coming to a town near you

I?m back and I am definitely at ?em.? I?m working to get a lot of work done by the end of the semester? I have some major benchmarks to meet: manuscripts submitted, securing animals, paperwork, red tape, and more.? My workload is a little heftier.? Plus, I?m traveling quite a bit.? The good news is maybe I?ll be in a town near you.

I have set some goals for myself.? One of them is to increase my research productivity. (I?ll be taking on some undergraduate research assistants soon. I feel the need coming on strong.)

A second goal is to earn some residual income (these student loans are killing me).? One of my professional objectives during my post-doc time is to increase my professional profile.? Since I haven?t been shy about using social media, (Shoot, I ain?t shy about nothing) I would like to knock out multiple birds with one stone.? I plan on giving more presentations about science, research, outreach and social media.

If anyone is interested in working with me (or contracting me to do some occasional freelance work or give a workshop or presentation) or you have contacts, then please do not hesitate to reach out to me.

Or if you want to meet up (or tweet up for my Online Friends) when I am in your region, then let?s do that too.

My travel schedule

  • October? 11- 14, 2012. Seattle, Washington I am attending the SACNAS (Society for Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science). I?m presenting a poster of my research and moderating a Professional Development session : Blogging and Twitter Fundamentals: Promoting Your Science Online.
  • January 30 - February 2, 2012. Raliegh-Durham, North Carolina. I will be attending the ScienceOnline 2013 Conference discussing the various ways online technologies are impacting science, science education, science communication and science outreach. I will be moderating a session on Diversity in the Sciences ? Online and Offline.
  • February 12, 2012. New York, New York. I will be speaking at the New York Academy of Sciences apart of the Science and the City Seven Deadly Sins Series on Love and Lust in the Animal Kingdom.

I will also be doing some personal travel around the holidays and for special events. You can shoot me an email to see if I will be in your neck of the woods any time soon.

I?m definitely going back to Tanzania next year to do more research, but the exact dates have not been hammered out.? But tentatively, I?m looking at leaving in March or April of next year and staying for a couple of months.
If anyone is interested in joining me in Africa for this next trip, then now is the time to start preparing ? passport, vaccinations, saving money, etc.
Let me know.


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