Thursday, January 17, 2013

Re: Selfrunning Free Energy devices up to 5 KW from Tariel Kapanadze

So is this good or is this bad in respect of the generation of energy when there is something in the circuit that ?falls apart? and behaves non- linear? :o
Neither :(
Unfortunately this is a conceptual difficulty, not experimental.
In frequency domain "impedance" is an average quantity. It is similar to resistance for DC, but there is a difference.
It is a ratio between average voltage and average current in a circuit excited with periodic waveforms.
That "average" and periodic concept simply cannot be applied to non-periodic waveforms (e.g. switched ones).?
It doesn't tell us what happens instantaneously, just like average voltage or an average current tell us nothing about what happens immediately, but only over the long run.? This leads to imprecision in the time domain (short times, fractional cycles, etc...)

That's why the transient RLC equations have been developed using differential equations.? They can handle the instantaneous voltages and currents in LCR circuits - even the switched circuits, as long as inductors are switched at current zero-crossings and capacitors are switched at voltage zero-crossings.? In other cases even these transient equations fall apart because of evil voltage and current discontinuities.? This time "falling apart" is not only conceptual, but mathematical and possibly experimental as well.

I have to study this further.
Please study the transient behavior of the LCR circuits.? There is a lot of information and animations on the Internet about their behavior.? It is all very neat. You will be very happy once it clicks in and you don't even have to know differential or Laplace methods to get to that point.? The final solutions to these equations are just trig and exponential functions.
Good keywords to use for Googleing this info would be "Transient LCR OR RLC underdamped OR overdamped"? (without the quotation marks)
Like the coils used by Kapanadze, Stepanov and Marks. They look obviously very imperfect. Nevertheless they are suitable for energy generation.
Definitely they don't look superconducting to me.? They must have resistance.
Any idea what the meaning could be of this diagram below?
Looks like a phasor diagram, where one axis indicates resistance and the other - reactance.

Free Energy | searching for free energy and discussing free energy

That's an insufficient information.
What is the shape of the current and voltage waveforms?
What is the time relationship between them?

At the beginning of this discourse was talking about a three-phase sinusoidal
industrial at 50 or 60 Hz and voltages according to the local grid.

? ?

?So no answers yet. Maybe it is because you are ignoring the other half of the equation.
?There is absolutely no isolated systems. If you have a coil it is immersed in a medium. This medium is responsible for the organization and transportation of real energy. This medium is super rich with carriers especially in outter space. This density of the medium changes the environment we experience. If one was in outter space the medium is infinately dense and will suck any charges (heat) out of any item placed in space to the background level of that space. This will happen right down to the mediums balance level for that environment.
?On Earth this is quite the opposite. We have an atmosphere filled with real Matter and filled with heat. The density of the network in our atmosphere is or has been displaced by the real matter. Oxygen and other gases displace the network and condense it into the same density as space but displaced into a network surrounding the real matter. This displacement of the network condenses the network into an organized and refined (condensed) network around our planet and to a larger extent to our solar system.
?I realized this when I saw what we are viewing as our Universe. The real pictures we are getting are only pointing to a condensing of matter together into a strange phenomina. It is starting to look like the neurons and dendrites of our brains. Or at the very least like a vast corpulsul network. The pictures we are getting over time looks like they are condensing into vast networks of these structures.

?Here is a few to look at (Attached). Remember these are based off the information we are mapping through visual data.
This is the way to see the network at any scale! It's a fractal. We live in that fractal in between this vast networks flow. Tapping the flow has to be done via induction. There is no way around it. Learning how to attract the flow into your device is the first Key.
?What attracts this highly dynamic vehicle field is the question.
?How do we tap it after attracting it?
?A better question is what energy pervades inner and outter space equally well. Voltages seems to be the key. The Electric field is a weaker field but it's reach is magnitudes further.
?We are now finding out that the Electric field is the key aspect of free energy. Once a tap is created the free energy enters the system. We have been experimenting with capacitive discharge and transistors to trigger the discharge. Using energy in these systems needs a medium to condense onto. Like a battery or a large storage capacitor. Using currentless energy seems the right approach and will show close results to unity. Now we just need to figure out how to compress this energy better and let it explode away and generate the energy in that way.
?Special inductive reflectors need to be designed and bifilar recieving coils as well. It should be designed in a way that resembles fluid dynamics except these fields(electric) can be turned on an off almost instantly.
?I think TK did just that. He learned that it wasn't the field he was manipulating it was the fluidic response of the medium and the flows it channels.

lever Kapanadze

My experience in obtaining low-cost magnetic field to create a current amplifier on the picture below. In the video, the consumption of only 3 watts, power is supplied to the coil continuously, the compass does not register with a special magnetic field, but if you turn the breaker, I get a powerful electromagnetic emissions that compass and registers.
These electromagnetic emissions and will push the lever

hello Verpies,

Long time i have to follow this thread.. but out of habit i do from times to times. I must say, i admire your tenacity, your clear reasoning and your will to investigate the "Kapanadze secret".
IMHO, after distancing myself from the free energy quest, it seems to me the overunity could not come from magnets or coils, rather than already theoretically discussed possibilities as cold fusion etc

The more distancing myself from all that, the more i see kapanadze as a magician and lying individual claiming something he obviously do not possess and cannot even describe in scientific as well as practical terms. Let aside talk about the know how.

Of course, everybody can have his dreams and think this is something real and easy to do as this...

Long time i have to follow this thread.. but out of habit i do from times to times. I must say, i admire your tenacity, your clear reasoning and your will to investigate the "Kapanadze secret".
Thanks, but I am not doing this to investigate "Kapanadze's secret".? I just feel that sometimes I can contribute my knowledge and experience to some promising users of this forum.
When I was learning this stuff, I also had people that were willing to take their time to explain things to me.
Sometimes, even today I learn sth useful myself.? e.g. lately from TinselKoala.

Sometimes, I simply cannot stand reading misconceptions being perpetuated or the same mistakes being repeated over and over and I set out to correct them.
Most of the time I encounter hard headed people who are immune to logical thinking and are full of esoterica and hero worship. If I detect those characteristics, I usually give up on them.

The more distancing myself from all that, the more i see Kapanadze as a magician and lying individual claiming something he obviously do not possess and cannot even describe in scientific as well as practical terms.
That is very likely. However I feel it is the duty of the scientists to expose magician's tricks just like Wattsup did recently with his Kapanadze's video analysis.
I respect Zeitmachine's tenacity in providing logical and mostly unemotional opposition to Wattsup's conclusions, too.

Free Energy | searching for free energy and discussing free energy

> On tri-phase system the power = V * I * 1.73

At the beginning of this discourse was talking about a three-phase sinusoidal
industrial at 50 or 60 Hz and voltages according to the local grid.

OK, the industrial power grid in Europe provides 650VP-P sinusoidal voltage at 50Hz.

The 50Hz means, that the voltage between the neutral wire and any other wire is changing 50 times per second from +325V to -325V according to the +325sin(t) function.? In other words, the voltage is not constant in time.
So what voltage does the "V" mean in your equation if voltage in European industrial grid is not constant?? +325V, +100V, +66V, +12V, 0V, -12V, +66V, +100V, -325V or something else...?
What about the "I", what does it represent in this equation ?

Free Energy | searching for free energy and discussing free energy

@Verpies, just quickly the grid in UK is 415 volt 50 HZ.



Mr Verpies necessary to explain the grid as a function of energy


P=effective power? ? ? ? ? ? ? = Watt
V=effective voltage? ? ? ? ? ? = Volt? ?-- Measured between two phases
I=Intensity of current? ? ? ? ? = Ampere --Measured on each phase

1.73= root squared of 3? For the three-phase system

Any neutral wire and zero voltage with respect to ground

I hope it is clear how to measure the variables in the grid industry? :)


@Verpies, just quickly the grid in UK is 415 volt 50 HZ.
Really?? 415V from peak-to-peak of the sine wave ?
Measured between the neutral and any of the other three wires or between some other wires ?

I am disregarding the ground wire for now.

Free Energy | searching for free energy and discussing free energy

I hope it is clear how to measure the variables in the grid industry? :)
It is not clear at all.
The voltage between the neutral and any of the other wires changes 50 times per second, which means that it achieves many different values in 20ms, yet you are expressing this varying voltage by one number?? How is that possible?
But we are making progress - you wrote that "V" in your equation represents "effective voltage".? Can you explain what "effective" means here ?

Usually this word stems from the word "effect" because it relates to some effect... but what voltage effect are you referring to, in this context ?

@Verpies, 415 volts phase to phase, 240 volts any 1 of the 3 phase to neutral or earth which is one and the same.

@Verpies, if you Google pme earth neutral it explains how neutral is directly connected to earth and is at same potential.

@Verpies, if you Google pme earth neutral it explains how neutral is directly connected to earth and is at same potential.
Yes, neutral is supposed to be at the same potential as ground/earth.? I am not disputing that.

Free Energy | searching for free energy and discussing free energy

415 volts phase to phase, 240 volts any 1 of the 3 phase to neutral or earth which is one and the same.
Really?? 240V from peak-to-peak of the sine wave measured between the neutral and any other of the three wires?

I am disregarding the ground/earth wire for now.


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