Monday, December 10, 2012

Post image for Top 3 Network Marketing Excuses - Home Business

Recently, I was on a motorcycle ride, with a couple of guys from our team. Over breakfast we started talking about the reasons why people are so reserved about getting into their own home-based business, especially network marketing.

Excuses, excuses, excuses. I heard someone recently say, ?I?ve heard a lot of excuses, just none of them any good.? The same goes for network marketing.

The three biggest excuses we here is:

  1. I don?t have time
  2. I don?t think I can do it
  3. I don?t have the money

The process or system that we use debunks two of those excuses right off the bat, and the last is just plain garbage.

I love this one. You have time to watch every single football game that week, all the latest ridiculous reality TV series, and all the horrific news, but you don?t have time for something that could provide extra income for your family.

This makes absolutely no sense.

Some people just learned that network marketing takes a lot of time. It doesn?t have to at first. Start part time, 10-15 hours a week or less. Once you start making money at it, I would hope you have no problem spending more time building the business.

In ?normal? network marketing they teach you to make out a list of a 100 people, set up home business presentations, one on ones, etc, etc. I don?t have time for that either!

Our three step system has you spend no more than a few minutes with each potential associate and then let the tools do the rest of the work. Once they join the business we?ll do whatever we can to help them be successful.

Just remember, you HAVE the time you just choose to spend it doing non-productive things. It?s all about choice folks.

I Don?t Understand Network Marketing Or Home Based Business

Just like any new skill, there is a small learning curve before you will ?get it.? Network Marketing is something that I can teach anyone to do in very little time.

Anybody can do this. Anybody can run their own home based business. It is very simple math using simple addition and subtraction.

Anyone can grasp this if you just spend a small amount of time learning the processes necessary. Our system helps simplify everything and the tools that we use online are something that you can go through and learn as you earn.

You don?t need to know everything to get started. You just need to get started!

I Can?t Afford To Be In Network Marketing

The last excuse we here all the time is, ?I can afford to get into network marketing or anything right now.?

This is a ridiculous excuse and is again part of the choices you are making.

This is your brain thinking it is protecting you from spending money because it isn?t seeing the big picture. It isn?t looking 3-6 months down the road when you?ll have income coming in and covering your expenses from the one that once the excuse of the system catholics

This is about building a better future for your family.

Let me pick on the smokers and drinkers for a minute. This group of people will say they can?t afford to build a network marketing business but they will continue to spend money on cigarettes and alcohol.

Let?s take a look at the cost of smoking. I didn?t even realize that cigarettes were up to $6 a pack now! If you smoke a pack a day you are spending $180 a month or $2,160 as year! And what do you have to show for it? Hurts doesn?t it?

The same thing goes for alcohol. People will go out and drink every weekend. Let?s be very conservative and say you spend $20 a week on alcohol (about 4 drinks, and you know it?s more!). Again you are looking at $80 a month or $960 a year.

Don?t tell me you don?t have the money. Just realize that you choose to waste your money on non-income producing junk!

Then we have cable with all the premium channels. That is not only a waste of money, but a waste of time. The average time spent watching TV for Americans over the age of 15 is 2.8 hours a day! That?s 19.6 hours a week or 1019.2 hours a year!

Do I have to even say it? Total waste of time and money!

Am I saying I don?t watch any TV? Nope. I record everything I want to watch and then watch it while eating and have it on in the background while reading something business related. A recorded program can be watched in about 60% less time freeing up the other time for more productive things.

Our system eliminates the need for a ton of time prospecting. Just two to three minutes per prospect and the tools do the rest. They do a little bit of research themselves and once we know they are a good candidate we?re going to spend some time helping to get them up and running the right way.

Wouldn?t you rather spend your time and money on vacations and fun?

If you are truly strapped I can still show you how to use your current job to produce the money like magic!

Once your business is up and running for a few months, you will never worry about where money is going to come from again. Your business will cover your monthly network marketing expenses.

If you are a real go-getter, you may see income coming in within your first month or two.

Get started today!

Change your future for the better!

Join us on a beach somewhere, on a vacation having fun and enjoying your life, instead of being stuck in the nine to five grind.

Remember: Success is also your choice!

network marketing expert paul and lorena

Paul ?Internet Marketing Locomotive? Charron

P.S. If you would like to learn how you can start to make a change in the right direction visit our OWN YOUR LIFE website.




Images courtesy of Stuart Miles /


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