Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Top 6 Problems Faced By Children With Mental Disorders

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Problems Faced By Children With Mental Disorders When children have mental problems, the world sees them very differently. Some people are extra good to such kids, but most are intentionally or unintentionally really mean to them. They are not able tom comprehend the needs of such kids and make them feel bad or mock at them without their faults.

People expect children with mental problems to compete with regular kids and that?s where all the problems arise. These problems need to be acknowledged and taken care of and for the same you should know about the problems that they face. Following are the problems faced by children with mental problems:-

Problems Faced by Children With Mental Disorders

Study related Problems

This is the most common problem that any child with mental problem might be facing and because of this problem, your child denies going to school. They are not able to cope with the learning pace of their classmates or maybe they do not follow the way things are taught because they need their own time to understand things and grasp them. It makes them fall behind in the class because of which they would not even feel like going to school.

Being Bullied

Given to their problem, your child might have become shy or submissive in nature, due to which he/ she would become an easy victim to this problem named bullying. Whenever a child is bullied it causes mental agony and emotional breakdown in him/ her.

Problems Faced By Children With Mental Disorders

This problem may have an adverse effect on the overall personality of your child during the development years, especially because they are already trying to recover from their mental problems and deal with the same. Since such kids are facing mental problems, kids of their age do not understand and make them an easy target for their temporary fun.

Losing Confidence

Children with mental problems have very delicate minds and heart, anything that happens in their surroundings affects them greatly. Too much of comparison and competition at school may create lot of inhibitions in them. They feel like they are useless and cannot achieve anything in life. This hinders their confidence level and affects it gravely. As a matter of fact, the kids that are going to be with your kid are going to be immature kids who might hurt the sentiments of your child intentionally or unintentionally creating a very bad impact on your child?s mind.

Teacher Tackling Problems

Your child might be used to the warmth and affection that he gets at home and the lack of it at school may make him hate school and affect his mind.

At school, he might be facing understanding and coordinating problems with the teacher which the teacher might not realise as he/ she might not be knowing of your child?s problems or he/ she might be blatantly ignoring them and treating your child brutally inspite of knowing about his/ her condition. Since your child is ?differently abled?, teachers would treat him differently, some would be really harsh and some would be extra compassionate. Either of the ways, the hild is going to suffer massively.

Also Read

Mental Health of Children
How to Help and Support Child With Mental Illness
Myths Related With Mental Illness- Read Them Out?

Rejection Leading to Dejection

It?s a common problem that children with mental problems face everywhere but hardly discuss with their parents. Such kids keep on getting smothered on the inside but would not let out the real problems in lime light.

Problems Faced By Children With Mental Disorders

Given to intellectual inability, people might cease talking to such kids or deny them of participation in games or competitions which would lead to further trauma in such kids. They would face constant rejection everywhere die to which they would feel low at all times.

Persistent Peer Pressure

Children with mental problems are also not safe from peer pressure. They are also forced by their ?superior? friends to do things and complexes are intentionally created in them due to such instances. Sometimes, fun is poked at children with mental problems for the sake of enjoyment of a few minutes at the cost of such kids. Mental problem induced children are already low on the confidence level, and this only adds to their problems. They are not able to deal with it and do not realise what to do.

children with mental problems face a lot of troubles and have to suffer a lot. They only have their parental support as their life support. The parents need to be aware of the above given problems of mentally troubled children and the kids also need to be prepared to face the same. The above problems are very commonly faced by children with mental problems and acknowledging them and facing them is a huge challenge for such kids.

Top 6 Problems Faced By Children With Mental Disorders, 5.0 out of 5 based on 1 rating


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