Thursday, February 21, 2013

Chinese Army to Blame for Cyber Attacks

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-- you've -- heard about a number of cyber attacks on banks and other companies recently but now's the time to listen up.

He has cyber hacking it can be coming to a new had.

A new report out today by computer security firm -- and actually traces thousands of attacks and US companies to the Chinese army.

As straight from their headquarters.

This map shows one base of the people's liberate a liberation army and the report says more than 100.

Cyber attacks and US firms king street from this building.

And here's what the -- and CEO to pull our own Dennis -- earlier today.

-- fact that it's a sustained effort for seven years using thousands of computers.

Let us to the conclusion that's just unavoidable it's in fact the government performing these intrusions.

I is vehemently denying these allegations but my next guest says there's a better chance of life on Mars than these attacks not originating in China Morgan right.

Such -- cyber security analyst Morgan thanks for joining us.

-- Morgan says it is they're not even just the slightest smallest tiniest chance that maybe this isn't China.

What got you -- better chance of Kim Kardashian becoming a -- that you do -- China not being involved in this you know quite frankly and I would believe that story -- no way it ended the point in the report.

It's been to sustain for too long the level of sophistication the targets that have been attacked.

And it's not just wanting to attack but in some of these attacks that lasted the average attack lasted for year.

One of them went almost five years you don't get that without state sponsorship and look all we're doing today is stating.

The obvious what everybody's known for long time is that China has been behind us for a long time.

So -- gold be that because -- seem that it's not one specific industry.

-- -- writing an array of industries here in this country.

So China has applause he called a thousand grains of sand you collect who are you -- lots and lots of information from different places but three primary places that the things that they're trying to affect.

Political economic and military so from a political standpoint a lot of the government agencies have been a compromise they wanna know policy positions what people -- saying an email.

Technology obviously what they're trying to do is beat the R&D curve they're stealing are -- from our companies here.

To advance their knowledge it's been proven in court several times there's -- a couple of that the Chinese companies which have ties to the PLA.

Which have been enough sound of have violated no actual property rights have done economic espionage.

And then you've got military I mean it did that communication satellites being targeted.

A lot of the defense and military industrial base being targeted this is part of China's strategic plan for growth and they're attacking us -- were quite frankly what the weakest and Summers yeah.

And -- if you know for those that.

That that think airplanes that are the government's the biggest target of of these attacks there wrong it's really -- that's been the most popular target.

And it's tax -- then followed by aerospace public administration satellites Telecom.

So I she's really a threat here in one big example I wanted to bring -- What is -- hacker or hackers targeting -- that last September.

Which has axis is 60%.

Of north Americans oil and gas pipelines.

This is significant.

And poses a very serious threat.

Yet they attacked the skate -- system the supervisory control and data acquisition system that's the thing that that's the brains that runs a lot of these different things.

But a few key if you -- you go after the money you go after the energy if you wanna shed -- EU nation down you don't necessarily have to drop a bomb.

You cut off the oil supply you make things difficult -- disrupt power electricity.

We saw what happened on the cruise line right if you lose power what happens things get really bad a magic now for nation -- entire region was without power there's hospitals -- public safety.

There's transportation finance banking you just name at all lot of things could happen.

So so what do you DO -- businesses seem like it it's just almost impossible to protect themselves.

They're paying his billions of dollars to protect their companies but yet -- the Chinese if if this is -- case just seem to be walking right through the front door.

We'll look at a prior life I was actually a detective -- taught interviewed interrogation went through -- behavior the behavior analysis training at the FBI gave and one of the things they're doing here.

It's not just technology they're attacking there's three types of -- hardware software what -- -- the humans are the weakest link and a lot of -- and what they do is they target them.

With the same techniques out of work for financial fraud identity theft it's called spear fishing.

Fishing is -- emails -- -- cast about spear Phishing is targeting people sending them a message that looks personalize because it means something to you.

And then having an attachment there that's too good to pass up like latest quarterly reports or the state of security in Syria dot zip.

You click on that and simply by clicking on that that's the method of -- sections of the biggest lesson people reduced train their people be suspicious when you get attachments.

And just don't trust because it comes an email even -- it came from Roger Ailes or even if it came from.

You know that the president you do have to be suspicious because social engineering is the preferred method of -- Compromise are at Morgan will not thank you so much it sounds like the same applies for your personal life you know watch out for suspicious emails and your Twitter absolutely same thing.

Our -- Martin right thank you so much for joining us.

You -- thank you next.


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