Saturday, April 6, 2013

Day 1 of My 7-Day Juice Fast to Detoxify the Body | Fitness Through ...

I?m also excited to watch your detox because you are taking a different route than me. The longest I ever go without food is 24 hours. And when I don?t get my nuts&seeds, and? my soaked wild/brown rice, and my sauerkraut (there?s something in it that satisfies my brain), I get massive cravings. So you are doing an experiment I haven?t conducted personally.

Yeah, I was a raw? vegan for a while, but decided it was not for me. I do eat a lot of fresh veggies and fruit on a daily basis, though.

Great for you! I think you would benefit going on raw food diet.? Your body really likes raw juices:)

It took me about a year and a half. I didn?t start juicing until I? had lost the majority of the weight.

Nice video, and thank you for sharing :-) I also agree with you,? I love carrot juice. Best of health to you.

how long did it take to lose the 150 and were? you juice fasting through the whole time?

Great video! Congrats on? your weight loss!

No. I just took it? easy.

did you exercise while? on this fast?

do you only drink juice or do u drink it with? meals

Well I just accidentally stumbled on your videos a week ago but you have totally inspired me. I have been vegan for 5 months but now I am eating more whole vegetables and grains. I was walking every day but only for about 10 minutes, now I am doing 30 minutes. I couldn?t figure out why I wasn?t losing but now I know? so thanks again for the wake up call.
PS: You should do a video going into details about the sorts of veggie meals that have worked for you. Thanks again!

Solid advice! Thanks for sharing!?

haha! You and that Ben and Jerry?s! I?m happy to hear that you and the fam are making? healthy choices and are seeing the benefits of healty eating and living! Keep me posted!

Love your videos. I?m not to this point yet. Im still at the ?if you had McDonalds yesterday? point. (Well not McD, but ben and jerrys). You have benefited my whole household though. We only eat fish, and seafood now, no red? meat. From that change alone, we have seen differences : ).


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