Wednesday, November 28, 2012

7 Deadly Sins of Social Media | Online Marketing News & Reviews

Sara | Nov 27, 2012 | 0 comments

Growing up you were taught the difference between right and wrong. However, did you always do the right thing? Even if it didn?t benefit you? Just as it applies to childhood?adolescence? doing the right thing should be our motto throughout our adult life. But, do we still strive to be right at all times? If you are reading this you are more than likely a business owner or work on marketing for some type of business, probably through social media. Social Media has revolutionized the way?business?run and generate sales. If used right social media engages your customers and allows you to build a relationship with them, among other things, if used wrong it can be inefficient for your company.

See if your committing any of the 7 deadly social media sins

1. Wrath: Creating an online presence takes time and patience. However, once you have created an online social media presence you are bound to get critics. There are critics that create valuable insight for your company and then there are critics that give your business a less than desirable reputation. Focus on the critics that deserve a response and are worth your time. Never lash out, not only will it empty your energy but it will also make your company look terrible. Give feedback to those that deserve your feedback, this shows you care and value their opinion.

2. Greed:?It?s hard to shake hands when grabbing for their wallet.?Sure, we all create social media accounts for the main reason being, an increased ROI. However, if you choose to focus only on monetary profit you are missing out on the whole reasoning for social media. Social media is an avenue to create long lasting relationships with customers that will continue pursing your products/services. Give them a reason to keep coming back and let them know you appreciate their business. Customers love to feel appreciated and they love to have relationships with their suppliers.

3. Sloth: If you have social media sites but aren?t interactive on them or update them regularly you may be hurting yourself instead of helping. Why have social media accounts if your not posting on them? Depending on your schedule you may only be able to post once a week, but you are posting. It is better to be consistent rather than random so if you only post once a week that?s great! Just keep it consistent.

When receiving direct messages from customers, reply to them. This seems so common but it is commonly ignored. Don?t forget to let your customers know you care and you will take care of them. This builds your customer relationships and let?s you know where you can increase improvements.

4. Pride:?Stay humble.?Simply put, think about your customers, not you. Yes, it is your?business and?you?get to make all the calls and decisions. But you are ultimately striving for acceptance from your customers. Remember: you wouldn?t be where you are today without them. So appeal to them. Keep in mind what social media sites your customers are active on and be active on them as well. Yes, it may be a social media site that you don?t care for but your customers do. So the right thing to do is be where they are. Listen to your customers and you will be amazed at what will happen.

5. Lust: Social media can be a frustrating mess if you aren?t tackling it correctly. Like I said?earlier?building an online social media presence takes time and patience. You may only have a few friends or followers in the beginning but don?t?over think?it. Instead of randomly adding friends and following people that aren?t relevant to your business just sit back and wait. Customers need time to realize you are active on social media sites. Once they realize this they will find you and interact with you.

6. Envy: You may have a competitor that is doing better in the social media world than you are. Rather than wasting time worrying about what your doing wrong and they are doing right, focus on your business. See what your business has that differentiates it from competitors and focus on that. Being honest and humble on social media sites shows your real and trustworthy.

7. Gluttony: Overindulging is a common mistake when it comes to social media. We tend to oversell ourselves and?over saturate?our social sites. It seems common to think, ?The more I add, the better off I am, right?? Wrong. Think about when you are on social media sites. Do you tend to enjoy seeing interesting, real stories or sales promotions? The choice is obvious. Customers are online to gain interesting knowledge, interact with friends and family and as leisure activity. Apply your business to these areas and you will succeed.

Related posts:

  1. Utilizing Social Media? the right way
  2. Social Media Sites Ahoy!
  3. The Freedom Of Social Media
  4. SEO tip: Feed the social media beast
  5. Social Media Helps Your Business

Filed Under: Internet Marketing ? News ? SEO ? SMO ? Social Media Optimization ? Social Networking ? Traffic Building


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