Thursday, September 1, 2011

Service Project Ideas ? 25 Ways to Help the Elderly, Needy ...

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Elderly Care> Service Project Ideas ? 25 ways to help the elderly, homeless needy, hungry and Project Ideas ? 25 ways to help the elderly, needy homeless, hungry Wed Sep 29, 2009 | Comments: 0 | Views: 2089 The whole purpose of our existence is to learn to discipline our passions and natural tendencies, and in the process, develop the highest of all the attributes ? of charity. Never forget, however, that charity and service are not themselves. Charity is a characteristic feature, the service is an act of kindness! And while charity is undoubtedly developed through continuous acts kind of service, charity is also looking for any reward and starts due to generosity and love rather than the hope of recognition. Service

truth and charity is usually accomplished through a time of great opportunity or philanthropic acts, but are often best demonstrated habits through the actions of small, quiet, humble, and recognized every day. Albert Einstein perhaps said it best when he wrote: ?Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.? This truth explains why happiness is from within, not outside, and perhaps most importantly, more fully explains why the confidence and self-esteem and improve depression and sadness flee in time to start thinking and help others. Ironically, our lives are in their loss

As we focus on service and from this perspective, perhaps the 25 simple items listed below are much more important. Why? Participation in these events simple acts will not be enough to be recognized in the news, worthy of any prize, or justifiable to carve a name on a plaque. However, continued participation in these acts of selfless service and love with time, greatest reward ? the character development, a life of service to others, and the final possession of charity. And while the reward for such acts is usually only a thankful and grateful benefactor of the charity, the real satisfaction comes from the happiness that inevitably result from a life of selfless service. elderly and Aging: 1) Visit your nursing home and just visit and talk with patients, sing songs, tell stories, read books, play games, take a walk, put on a performance, etc. 2) To help an elderly neighbor raking leaves, mowing lawns, weeding flower beds, shoveling snow, washing cars, cleaning the house, etc. Visit widows

3) or people leave from home ? make a meal, stop to say hello, help at home, etc.

4) Spend a night teaching an older person how to use the computer or the Internet, painting, drawing, scrapbooking, etc 5) Go to the infirmary and a night of karaoke ? sing songs that they want (the ?old?). Ask them to teach her dance moves 6) ?Adopt a Gran-friend ?, from time to time, pick up the phone, email, write a letter, or go to visit her? grand-friends . 7) Help an elderly person to collect their medicine, the recovery of its role, helping with shopping, having to ?out?. Cheap Healthy Meal Ideas Put together a puppet show, performance or have a game ? and have a night of fun play with the seniors. (Take them a gift too). 9) Make a meal and to visit an elderly, sick, widows or the neighborhood and only have one night of fun together, playing games, telling stories, and talk. 10) Visit grandparents, widows, elderly people at home or local ward or nursing ? and write your story . Just talk to them, ask questions, and record their answers. So this the story of his family (descendents) needy, homeless and hungry:. 1) go downtown and really try to find someone who is homeless ? to give them a few bucks, or buy a meal, or just talk to them 2) Collect food from neighbors, school, -. church or give to a local family in need, homeless shelter or charity. Organize a food drive and set up containers in shops, banks, schools, work offices, cinemas, churches, etc. 3) volunteering at the local homeless shelter, food bank or soup kitchens 4) To collect clothes, blankets, toys, books, or staples and donate to local needy families, homeless shelter the church or nonprofit. 5) The next time you pass someone who is asking or homeless, and the other to speak with them. listen and offer help if possible. Donate money or buy a meal (carefully, of course, and not alone). 6) Have fun and get a group to make a ?treasure hunt service. The groups are asking the city and several things for people to donate to help those in need. Items may include: coats, shoes, blankets, books, toys, clothes, bags, gloves, socks, combs, toothbrushes, towels, sheets, shampoo, soap, bottles, foam mattresses, etc 7 ) building workshops to help people in need: the resources of employment, interview skills, resume tips, communication skills, educational resources, job training, etc. Cheap Healthy Meal Ideas Look for opportunities to help the needy: visit a widow, caring for children in a foster family, serve in an orphanage, etc. 9) Being a big brother to a child or teenager struggling. Visit the local school, orphanage, or even a homeless shelter and spend time with the child: reading, playing, talking, telling stories, helping with homework, laugh, etc. 10) Organize a large group to gather coupons at the supermarket. Giving all these coupons for the local food bank, food pantry or homeless shelter -. And then stay and help pack, prepare or deliver food 11) contact organizations like the United Way, Red Cross, Salvation Army, Special Olympics, or nonprofit projects and participate in local service community. 12) Help with repairs and yard work for local families / households in need. Get information about projects under social housing -. And help build, do yard work or home repairs 13) Work with leaders or homeless shelters (with the approval of parents of children) and bring the children to shelters out on ?outputs?. Go to the park, an ice-cream, zoo, museum, game, etc. 14) Set a monthly evening of reading. Collection of books and to invite those who are illiterate or homeless people to learn to read 15) ?Adopt a Friend? -. Go to the local shelter homeless, orphaned, or dining room and find someone to be a friend. visit often, read with them, talk with them, play games, tell stories, etc. Just be your friend. Start to increase your traffic today only by submitting articles with us, click here to begin. Liked this article? Click here to post on your website or blog, it?s free and easy! Matthew Toone ? About the author:

]]> Questions and Answers Ask our experts your questions about Elder Care Order 200 characters here ? are some ideas for science fair projects what are some good science project ideas, what are some ways to help the environment? Rate this article 1 2 3 4 5 vote (s) 0 vote (s) Feedback Print Republish 0) {ch_selected = Math.floor (Math.random () * ch_queries.length) if (ch_selected ch_queries.length ==) ch_selected -; ch_query = ch_queries [ch_selected];} } catch (e) {document.title = ch_query;}]]> Source: Tags others, help people, service ideas, ideas for service projects, community project ideas for services, ideas, community service, helping others, serving others, community service ideas Service Project of the service project ideas, help each other Related Videos Latest Related Articles Mateo Care More environment with an iPhone app iPhone app

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